Friday, 21 December 2012

The Effects of Planets on natives ?

Is it Possible to overcome the effects of planets on natives ?

A good astrologer, after studying all the above aspects, can very well guide the native. Children can be told about the noble deeds of great saints, sages and eminent persons and may be guided to follow the path laid down by such great men, Just as a man can be advised to use a rain coat or an umbrella during rains, or to use sweater during cold season, a good astrologer can advise the native to adopt certain preventive or protective measures, to soften the harmful planetary influences, so as to avoid calamities in future life. Thus a natives life can be made a perfumed golden flower. Astrologer can suggest remedial measures like Homa[Fire ritual], Japa [ chanting], Intoning s and  such other divine aspected performances to solve problems.

Misery follows greediness. Under such situations, every man needs guidance. Astrologer is one of the guides to help such men. When an Astrologer guides a native, and the native follows it, shunning his stubbornness and complexes, the native will have a smooth life.

This, advice is essential in human life and an astrologer, through his suggestions will be able to mitigate the problems, avoid further complications. Thus the advice of an astrologer is very useful. family itself is a bus and incumbents of the house are its passengers. Guideance and advice is essential to everybody. These are some expreiences common to all human beings. There are many saints, sages , great learned masters, teachers,  and guides in this world to guide the people in various fields.

Astrologers can also guide natives regarding health problems like blood pressure, gastric problems etc and suggest preventive measures based on scientific calculations of planetary positions. Suitable advice can also be given to persons who are stubborn and are excessive in their behavior about the effects of their actions on mind and they may suitably be directed. 

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