Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Classification of Houses :

There are twelve Rashi's or houses or Bhavas. The first Bhava is called Ascendant or Lagna. These are classifies as follows

1. Kendra or Quadrant :

The Group of 1,4,7,10th Houses.

2. Panhara or Succeedant :

The Group of 2,5,8,11th Houses.

3. Apoklima or Cadent:

The Group of 3,6,9,12th Houses

4. Trikona or Trines :

The group of 1,5,9th Houses

5. Upchaya or Growing :

The group of 3,6,10,11th Houses.

6. Trik or Advanced Houses:

the group of 6,8,12th Houses

7. Aayu or House of Longivity:

The Group of 3,8th Houses

8. Maraka or Death & Illness :

The group of 2,7th Houses.

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