Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Planets and Worship

The planets according to vedic astrology have their own importance , benefice, strength and malefic nature and aspects. The natural benefices are Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, waxing moon. The natural malefic are Sun, Mars, Saturn.

The persons desirous of success,prosperity,good health and wealth should worship the planets by prayer, recitation of mantras, charity etc.

The progress and downfall of mankind and the creation and destruction of universe, all are under the administrative authority of the planets. Therefore they are most venerable.

For example Aditya Hridayam Stotra - prayer for Sun Planet.

It has given excellent results to many people. In two cases lost and weak eyesight were restored and in many cases heart ailments remained under control. Recitation of the Aditya Hridayam Stotra is good for sound health and velour.

Every action has its reaction. it is scientific truth. but this reaction the fruit of action depends upon implicit motive of the kind of karma one does good or bad. Whatever good or bad we do to others are automatically credited to our account in the bank of karma. Hence karma denotes that one's thoughts, words and deeds have an ethical consequence fixing one's lot in future re-births.

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