Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Ashtakavarga system

The Ashtakavarga system used to determine the effect of transit of planets through various rashis or signs of the zodiac. The Ashtakavarga consists of combination of 7 planets and lagna [Ascendant] with respect to their position to each of them.

Ashtakavarga system is mentioned by Maharishi Parashara in his book Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. This system will accurately predict the major events of natives life by providing more information strength and weakness of plantes with respect to different transit positions. Rahu and Ketu will not be considered while callculating Astakavarga system points.

In south india benefic points called bindus and malefic points called vertical line. In north india benefic points called vertical line and malefic points called bindus.

The results of the karma of the past, manifest in the shape of Achivement,success,joys are present in the horoscope and are spread in the form of bindus or benefic points. The success one attains in the world can be found astrologically in three ways, First Rajayogas and Dhanayogas must exist in the horoscope, Secondly right dasa period should come at the right time and thirdly extent and limit of such attainment can be found accurately through the help of Astakavarga system.

Transit of saturn and jupiter in Astakavarga should be synthesized with the main dasha for accurate forecasting results. 

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