Monday, 31 December 2012

Ancient Indian Astrology and Sages

Astrology is a branch of vedas. which consists of Siddhanta, Samhita and Hora. With the help of Astrology to find out the past, present and future of the native based on the lagna and planets positions at the time of birth.

Ancient Indian sages could see the Position and movement of planets and their effects on human beings. They are Varahamihira, kaildasa, Varunchi, Vashista, Vyas, Parashara, venkatesa kashyap, Neelkantha, Jayadeva, Ganapathi, Sathyacharya, Manitha, Jeeva Sharma, Bhaskaracharya, Aryabhatta etc.

Those who know astrology can indicate in a way what will take place in future. Astrology is a wide ocean and one can spend his life in studying it and yet he would be far away from the perfectness. The limit of accuracy depending on their intelligence, insight, intuitive capacity, sincerity and lastly the grace of god.

While learning astrology have faith in it and one who goes to consult an astrologer should go with faith in him.

As per Varahamihira's Brihat Samhita states "The astrologer should be good looking with well proportioned, undeformed limbs, must be able to explain questions put by others , should worship the devas, observe fast and penance, should be thoroughly trained in calculations of the positions of planets and well versed with works on astrology..."

Friday, 28 December 2012

Planets and Profession


King, Royal or State Appointment, Creator, Promoter, Administrator, Forest officer, Teaching, Medicine, Owner, Physician, Rules government brokerage, commission, wood, Timber, Doctor, Magistrate, Bankers, Politicians etc


Brick kilns, Hair,Government service, Coal, Oil, Jobs connected with punishment, Agriculturist, Miners, Metals, Quarry etc.


Telephones, Electricity, Research, Scholars , Lawyers, Medicines, Avitation, Speculators,  Teeth, Poisonous drugs etc.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Ashtakavarga system

The Ashtakavarga system used to determine the effect of transit of planets through various rashis or signs of the zodiac. The Ashtakavarga consists of combination of 7 planets and lagna [Ascendant] with respect to their position to each of them.

Ashtakavarga system is mentioned by Maharishi Parashara in his book Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. This system will accurately predict the major events of natives life by providing more information strength and weakness of plantes with respect to different transit positions. Rahu and Ketu will not be considered while callculating Astakavarga system points.

In south india benefic points called bindus and malefic points called vertical line. In north india benefic points called vertical line and malefic points called bindus.

The results of the karma of the past, manifest in the shape of Achivement,success,joys are present in the horoscope and are spread in the form of bindus or benefic points. The success one attains in the world can be found astrologically in three ways, First Rajayogas and Dhanayogas must exist in the horoscope, Secondly right dasa period should come at the right time and thirdly extent and limit of such attainment can be found accurately through the help of Astakavarga system.

Transit of saturn and jupiter in Astakavarga should be synthesized with the main dasha for accurate forecasting results. 

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Planets and Worship

The planets according to vedic astrology have their own importance , benefice, strength and malefic nature and aspects. The natural benefices are Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, waxing moon. The natural malefic are Sun, Mars, Saturn.

The persons desirous of success,prosperity,good health and wealth should worship the planets by prayer, recitation of mantras, charity etc.

The progress and downfall of mankind and the creation and destruction of universe, all are under the administrative authority of the planets. Therefore they are most venerable.

For example Aditya Hridayam Stotra - prayer for Sun Planet.

It has given excellent results to many people. In two cases lost and weak eyesight were restored and in many cases heart ailments remained under control. Recitation of the Aditya Hridayam Stotra is good for sound health and velour.

Every action has its reaction. it is scientific truth. but this reaction the fruit of action depends upon implicit motive of the kind of karma one does good or bad. Whatever good or bad we do to others are automatically credited to our account in the bank of karma. Hence karma denotes that one's thoughts, words and deeds have an ethical consequence fixing one's lot in future re-births.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Planets and Mobility of Signs

Influence of Strongest planets in Horoscope are

1. Planet in Ascendant or Lagna
2. Planet in 10th House
3. Ascendant or Lagna Lord
4. 10th House Lord
5. Strongest planet in the Horoscope

Mobility of Signs 

The Moveable signs are [ 1,4,7,10 Signs]
Aries, Cancer,Libra,Capricon
Properties : Aggressive nature, Yielding etc

The Fixed Signs are [ 2,5,8,11]
Taurus, Leo,Scorpio, Aquarius
Properties :  Possessive, Unyielding etc

The Dual Signs [ 3,6,9,12]
Gemini, Virgo,Sagittarius,Pisces
Properties :  Adaptable, Wavering etc

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Horoscope Formats

The types of Horoscopes formats are as follows :

1. North Indian
Anti-clockwise direction, Movable houses, House numbering required.

2. South Indian
Clock wise direction, Fixed houses, House Numbers not required.

 3. East Indian
Anti-clockwise direction, Fixed houses, House numbering required.

Friday, 21 December 2012

The Effects of Planets on natives ?

Is it Possible to overcome the effects of planets on natives ?

A good astrologer, after studying all the above aspects, can very well guide the native. Children can be told about the noble deeds of great saints, sages and eminent persons and may be guided to follow the path laid down by such great men, Just as a man can be advised to use a rain coat or an umbrella during rains, or to use sweater during cold season, a good astrologer can advise the native to adopt certain preventive or protective measures, to soften the harmful planetary influences, so as to avoid calamities in future life. Thus a natives life can be made a perfumed golden flower. Astrologer can suggest remedial measures like Homa[Fire ritual], Japa [ chanting], Intoning s and  such other divine aspected performances to solve problems.

Misery follows greediness. Under such situations, every man needs guidance. Astrologer is one of the guides to help such men. When an Astrologer guides a native, and the native follows it, shunning his stubbornness and complexes, the native will have a smooth life.

This, advice is essential in human life and an astrologer, through his suggestions will be able to mitigate the problems, avoid further complications. Thus the advice of an astrologer is very useful. family itself is a bus and incumbents of the house are its passengers. Guideance and advice is essential to everybody. These are some expreiences common to all human beings. There are many saints, sages , great learned masters, teachers,  and guides in this world to guide the people in various fields.

Astrologers can also guide natives regarding health problems like blood pressure, gastric problems etc and suggest preventive measures based on scientific calculations of planetary positions. Suitable advice can also be given to persons who are stubborn and are excessive in their behavior about the effects of their actions on mind and they may suitably be directed. 

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Classification of Houses :

There are twelve Rashi's or houses or Bhavas. The first Bhava is called Ascendant or Lagna. These are classifies as follows

1. Kendra or Quadrant :

The Group of 1,4,7,10th Houses.

2. Panhara or Succeedant :

The Group of 2,5,8,11th Houses.

3. Apoklima or Cadent:

The Group of 3,6,9,12th Houses

4. Trikona or Trines :

The group of 1,5,9th Houses

5. Upchaya or Growing :

The group of 3,6,10,11th Houses.

6. Trik or Advanced Houses:

the group of 6,8,12th Houses

7. Aayu or House of Longivity:

The Group of 3,8th Houses

8. Maraka or Death & Illness :

The group of 2,7th Houses.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Start with Basics

Astrology is a very vast study and is practiced in different forms in various nations around the world.
The horoscope provides the details of good and bad deeds inherited from past birth and gives us the indications of the suffering due.
Vaastu is the science of vedic architecture. Vaastu errors can be serious hindrances. This should be indicated in the horoscope. A horoscope is also described as a map of man's destiny.

Basics of Vedic Astrology :

The Nine planets are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus , Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

27 Stars [ Nakshatras]
11.Poorva Falguni
12.Uttara Falguni
25.Poorva Bhaadrapada
26.Uttara Bhaadrapada

The Twelve Houses or Rashi [ English and Hindi Names ]

1. Aries - Mesha
2. Taurus - Vrishabha
3. Gemini - Mithuna
4. Cancer - Karkataka
5. Leo - Simha
6. Virgo - Kanya
7. Libra - Tula
8. Scorpio - Vrishchika
9. Sagittarius - Dhanus
10. Capricorn - Makar
11. Aquarius - Kumbha
12. Pisces - Meena