Sunday, 10 February 2013


Ruling planet

Signs        Ruling Planet  

1, 8        Mars
2, 7        Venus              
3, 6        Mercury
4        Moon              
5        Sun              
9, 12        Jupiter  
10, 11        Saturn

Element :

Signs        Element    Sign        Element

1, 5, 9        Fiery        3, 7, 11    Airy  
2, 6, 10    Earthy        4, 8, 12    Watery  


Signs            Class  

1, 3, 5, 7        Male / Positive
9, 11

2, 4, 6, 8,        Female / Negative
10, 12

Caste :

Signs        Caste        Signs        Caste

1, 5, 9        Kshatri        2, 6, 10    Shudra
3, 7, 11    Vaishya    4, 8, 12    Brahmin


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  2. Astrology is fundamentally a blend of different frameworks, customs and convictions that rotate around the information about the overall situation of the twelve heavenly bodies. The term 'Astrology' has been gotten from two Greek words, aster/astrós signifying 'star' and logos/lógou signifying 'word/discourse'. Consequently astrology turns into the 'discourse about the stars'. The individual who rehearses visionary science is known as an astrologer.

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  3. Astrology is fundamentally a blend of different frameworks, customs and convictions that rotate around the information about the overall situation of the twelve heavenly bodies. The term 'Astrology' has been gotten from two Greek words, aster/astrós signifying 'star' and logos/lógou signifying 'word/discourse'. Consequently astrology turns into the 'discourse about the stars'. The individual who rehearses visionary science is known as an astrologer.

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