Monday, 21 January 2013

Planets in their relations

Planets behave in three ways naturally in their relations with each of the other planets. These relations are 1. Friendly 2. Inimical 3. Neutral.

Sun :

Friendly with : Moon, Mars, Jupiter
Inmical with:  Venus, Saturn, Rahu
Neutral with:  Mercury

Friendly with : Sun, Mercury
Inmical with: Rahu
Neutral with: Mars,Jupiter,Venus,Saturn

Friendly with : Sun,Moon,Jupiter
Inmical with: Mercury, Rahu
Neutral with: Venus, Saturn

Friendly with : Sun, Venus, Rahu
Inmical with: Moon
Neutral with: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn

Friendly with : Sun, Moon, Mars
Inmical with: Mercury, Venus
Neutral with: Saturn, Rahu

Friendly with : Mercury, Saturn, Rahu
Inmical with: Sun, Moon
Neutral with: Mars, Jupiter

Friendly with : Mercury, Venus, Rahu
Inmical with: Sun, Moon, Mars
Neutral with: Jupiter

Friendly with : Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Inmical with: Sun, Moon, Jupiter
Neutral with: Mars

Friendly with : Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Inmical with: Sun, Moon, Jupiter
Neutral with: Mars

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

27 nakshatras & Lords , 12 Rashis, Vimshotari Dasha

Each nakshtra = 360 / 27 ==> 13 Degree 20 mins

Each Rashi ==> 360 /12 ==>30 degree

Rashi Sign : Aries or Mesha 0 to 30 degree
[Ashwini,Bharani,Kritika 3 degree 20 mins]

1. Ashwini nakshatra
Lord : Ketu
Vimshotri Dasha : Ketu upto 7 years

2. Bharani Nakshara
Lord : Venus
Vimshotri Dasha : Venus upto 20 years

3. Kritika Nakshara
Lord : Sun
Vimshotri Dasha : Sun upto 6 years

Rashi Sign : Taurus or Vrishbha 31 to 60 degree
[Kritika 10 deg, Rohini,Mrigashira 6 deg 40mins]

4. Rohini Nakshara
Lord : Moon
Vimshotri Dasha : Moon upto 10 years

5. Mrigshira Nakshara
Lord : Mars
Vimshotri Dasha : Mars upto 7 years

Rashi Sign : Gemini or Mithuna 61 to 90 degree
[Mrigshira 6 deg 20min,Aridra,Punarvasu 10 deg]

6. Aridra Nakshara
Lord : Rahu
Vimshotri Dasha : Rahu upto 18 years

7. Punarvasu Nakshara
Lord : Jupiter
Vimshotri Dasha : Jupiter upto 16 years

Rashi Sign : Cancer or Karkataka 91 to 120 degree
[Punarvasu 3 deg 20 min,Pushya,Ashlesha]

8. Pushya Nakshara
Lord : Saturn
Vimshotri Dasha : Saturn upto 19 years

9. Ashlesha Nakshara
Lord : Mercury
Vimshotri Dasha : Mercury upto 17 years

Rashi Sign : Leo or Simha 121 to 150 degree
[Magha,Hubba, Uttara Phalguni 3 degree 20 mins]

10. Magha Nakshara
Lord : Ketu
Vimshotri Dasha : Ketu upto 7 years

11. Hubba or Purva Phalguni Nakshara
Lord : Venus
Vimshotri Dasha : Venus upto 20 years

12. Uttara Phalguni Nakshara
Lord : Sun
Vimshotri Dasha : Sun upto 6 years

Rashi Sign : Virgo or Kanya 151 to 180 degree
[Uttara 10 deg, Hasta,Chitra 6 deg 40mins]

13. Hasta  Nakshara
Lord : Moon
Vimshotri Dasha : Moon upto 10 years

14. Chitra  Nakshara
Lord : Mars
Vimshotri Dasha : Mars upto 7 years

Rashi Sign : Libra or Tula 181 to 210 degree
[Chitra 6 deg 20min,Swati,Vishakha 10 deg]

15. Swati Nakshara
Lord : Rahu
Vimshotri Dasha : Rahu upto 18 years

16. Vishakha Nakshara
Lord : Jupiter
Vimshotri Dasha : Jupiter upto 16 years

Rashi Sign : Scorpio or Vrihchika 211 to 240 degree
[Vishakha 3 deg 20 min,Anuradha, Jyeshtha]

17. Anuradha Nakshara
Lord : Saturn
Vimshotri Dasha : Saturn upto 19 years

18. Jyeshtha Nakshara
Lord : Mercury
Vimshotri Dasha : Mercury upto 17 years

Rashi Sign : Sagittarius or Dhanus 241 to 270 degree
[Moola, Purvashada,Uttarashada 3 degree 20 mins]

19. Moola Nakshara
Lord : Ketu
Vimshotri Dasha : Ketu upto 7 years

20. Purvashada Nakshara
Lord : Venus
Vimshotri Dasha : Venus upto 20 years

Rashi Sign : Capricorn or Makara 271 to 300 degree
[Uttarashada 10 deg,Sharvana,Dhanishta 6 deg 40mins]

21. Uttarashada  Nakshara
Lord : Sun
Vimshotri Dasha : Sun upto 6 years

22. Sharvana Nakshara

23. Dhanishta Nakshara
Lord : Mars
Vimshotri Dasha : Mars upto 7 years

Rashi Sign : Aquarius or Kumbha 301 to 330 degree
[Dhanishta 6 deg 20min,Shatabhisha,Purvabhadra 10 deg]

24. Shatabhisha Nakshara
Lord : Rahu
Vimshotri Dasha : Rahu upto 18 years

25. Purvabhadra Nakshara
Lord : Moon
Vimshotri Dasha : Moon upto 10 years

Rashi Sign : Pisces or Meena 331 to 360 degree

[Purvabhadra 3 deg 20 min,Uttarabhadra,Revathi]

26. Uttarabhadra Nakshara
Lord : Saturn
Vimshotri Dasha : Saturn upto 19 years

27 Revathi Nakshara
Lord : Mercury
Vimshotri Dasha : Mercury upto 17 years

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Maandi and Gulika in Astrology

Every planet has certain sub-planet like moon to the sub-planet of earth. Mars has 2, Jupiter has 12, Saturn has 10 sub planets. Among the 10 sub-planets of Saturn Maandi or Titan of Gulika is the biggest one. Maandi is considered as the son of Saturn.

According to the latest findings there are 21 Sub-planets for Saturn. Only one planet namely Titan or Maandi is revolving in clock-wise direction and other sub-planets in the Anti-clockwise direction.

Everybody is facing unexpected problems in his life. As per astrology goods yoga's give success, attaining the power, good health, gains in finance, higher education, peaceful family life, dutiful, kind hearted children, enjoying religious rites. Arishta or bad yoga's bring quarrel sum wife, worries, miseries, ill health, poverty, mental disorder, hateful relations and children, accidents, physically handicapped etc.

Maandi is considered to the departed spirits of unnatural death. The object of comparing the Maandi and departed spirits is as the Maandi linked with the souls of brother, father and mother and also one of the main reasons of the individual's death.

Death of an individual is occurred in the Saturn's dasa, bukthi, Andram, Sushma or Prana periods only. Maandi is considered to be the son of Saturn. So, we can understand very easily that Maandi is also connected with Pretha and offering the prayers to the ancestors will also satisfy Maandi. The ancestor's death may be natural or unnatural.

Many sages, Rishis have mentioned the ill effects of Maandi. Some of them noted as Maandi and some body called as Gulika. Kalidasa in his uttara kalamrita explained clearly that Maandi and Gulika were the two sons of Saturn and not one and the same.

Maandi Udaya or rise - Particular time
Gulika Time - Duration of 90 minutes

The exact time of Maandi udaya or rise should be determined according to under mentioned methods

1. Duration of Day [ Sunrise to Sunset]

2. Duration of Night [ Sunset to Sunrise]

3. Maandi udaya Ghatis of week days 26,22,18,14,10,6,2 from Sunday to Saturday respectively for day time birth.

4.  Maandi udaya Ghatis of week days 2,6,10,14,18,22,26 from Tuesday to Monday respectively for Night time birth.

5. Divide the duration of the day by 30 and multiple the Maandi Udaya Ghatis for that day.

The result is the Maandi Udaya Time on that particular day. In the same method divide the duration of Night by 30 and multiply the Maandi udaya Ghatis given for that night birth. The result is the Maandi Udaya Time of Night. Add the exact Night time with sunset then the Maandi time can be arrived for Night Birth.

Gulika Period

The period of particular day or night when divided by 8 will indicate the length of a part ruled over by each of the planets. First 7 parts are allotted to 7 planets and the last part given to Gulika. Order of seniority for Gulika period for day time is from Saturn and Night time from Mars.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Hindu Astrology in brief

Hindu astrology is the wonderful outcome of the meditative wisdom of the great Indian sages.Prasna branch of Hindu astrology uses Horoscope, Transit and Hoary for precise predictions. Astrology is the analysis of human experiences past, present and future on the basis of time and space.

which tries to conclude the correct reasoning as to how the ancient sages found relation between space,time,zodiac, planets and human experiences. Not only human experiences but all universal phenomena are influenced by celestial objects, transiting the critical points of the zodiac.

Celestial bodies impact on the human life, first is Natal horoscope [ Birth time ], Transit [ Daily] and Hoary [ Thinks about present events]. All the above times planetary influences are working differently.

Ancient sages have intelligently observed the human experiences and analyzed them and in this process have tried to find out the common causes underlying them. thus they have also codified the causes and effects they have found out. Astrology is the sum total of these codified causes and effects. Through human media one can observe and realize these planetary vibrations working. Any intelligent man will come to this conclusion, he makes a deep study of the principles of Astrology.

In Hindu astrology every aspect of life is studied in depth, their causes and effects are analyzed and common underlying principles arrived at. The ancient sages came to the conclusion that the underlying principle cannot be in this earth, it must be somewhere beyond the earth. They concluded that it must be the same force which regulates the movements and cycles of heavenly bodies. 

The theory of kundalini in body cannot be proved by senses. There seven invisible envelopes covering the body. They are Moolaadhara, Swaadhisttana, Manipooraka, Anaahatha, Visuddhi, Aagnaa and Sahasraara. Since these are not visible, Neurologists cannot accept their existence. Similarly Astrology is an ancient science which includes man is the subject of study. It encompasses the whole day to day experiences of human beings.